MadMapper is collaborative software developed by GarageCube. With more than 10 years of experience in the field, they tend to develop the best tool for your artistic needs.

Simple. Fast. Effective.
MadMapper is the reference application for video mapping, LED installations and laser shows.
It can support video resolutions up to 16K and play content on multiple outputs and displays simultaneously, each displaying unique parts of your composition.
Additionally, MadMapper offers powerful graphics tools such as Bézier masking and animated line drawing.
Once purchased, MadMapper can be installed on any system.
Compatible with MacOS 10.13 and Windows 10 minimum.

A series of multimedia servers at a suitable price, ideal for your daily projects:
- Super-fast video player: Playback at high resolutions using hardware decompression when available.
- Multiple projectors: Connect as many projectors as your computer can handle. We tested Full HD resolution 16 times on a single PC in the laboratory!
- Bézier masking: Trim, fit and mask your content with advanced Bézier geometry.
- Mesh deformation: Precisely fit your content to real surfaces using professional warp tools.
- Spout / Siphon / NDI: Share textures with other graphics applications.
- Live Controls: Connect any MIDI/OSC controller to MadMapper and perform actions in real time!
- Material Editor: Use the MadMapper shader editor to create your generative images and share them with the community.
- 3D calibration: Match your 3D model to the real world.
- Space Scanner: Use structured lighting and your Canon SLR camera to capture the spotlight's point of view.
- Cue: Spark your show with the built-in buffering system.
- Integrated generative content: Colors, patterns, grids, text and generative shaders included natively.

The laser extension for MadMapper
- Unlimited laser outputs : As much as your computer can handle.
- Multiple hardware : Adapts to all situations.
- Laser Bézier lines : Ultra-precise vector graphics.
- Laser text : Support for single line fonts.
- Rendering 3D objects : From .OBJ format (available from MadMapper 5.2).
- Real-time video vectorization : Hardware-accelerated image analysis and processing.
- Ilda Files : Import Export.
- Vector materials : Based on real-time shaders.
- Scanners up to 100 kpps : High definition graphics.
- Laser mesh deformation : Precisely adjust your content to real surfaces using professional warping tools.
- Soft laser contours : On laser quadrilaterals.
- Laser dispatch : Distribute complex content across multiple lasers.
- Laser visualization : Support for Capture, Depence2 and WYSIWYG.

The hardware companion to MadMapper.
Designed to play back your MadMapper setups, with automatic network sync for multi-projection or DMX/Artnet output to control lighting and LED equipment.
- Automatic synchronization video media when multiple MiniMads are connected to the same Ethernet network.
- In-depth quality export: Precise video export controls for geeks.
- Up to 64 universes in ArtNet/DMX.
- Stand-alone reading content saved from MadMapper.
- Multichannel audio when using Light mode.
- Native video playback up to 1080p30 in optimal conditions.
- Physical checks with user-friendly buttons to adjust your mapping right on the spot.
- Reading mode: video or light.
- Easy video wall setup: a one-click automated process.
- Zero configuration, as simple as that.
- Reading modes: loop, random, list... configure your MiniMad to play your videos the way you want!
- Mesh Warping and Perspective Pinning with adjustable manual controls.
- Remote control : directly control your MiniMads from MadMapper.